Meroño AS; A Universal Space For The Bourbaki Complete Spaces And Further Examples, Results In Mathematics. 78 (6):.
Sanz AM; Villarragut VM; Attractors in Almost Periodic Nicholson Systems And Some Numerical Simulations, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 528 (1):.
García Sánchez G; Mancho AM; Agaoglou M; Wiggins S; New Links Between Invariant Dynamical Structures And Uncertainty Quantification, Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 453.
Amahjour N; García Sánchez G; Agaoglou M; Mancho AM; Analysis of The Spread of Sars Cov 2 in a Hospital Isolation Room Using Cfd And Lagrangian Coherent Structures, Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 453.
Canca D; Navarro Carmona B; Villa G; Zarzo A; A Multilayer Network Approach For The Bimodal Bus–pedestrian Line Planning Problem, Mathematics. 11 (19):.
Fernández Polo FJ; Garcés JJ; Li L; Peralta AM; On The Strict Topology of The Multipliers of a JB ∗ Algebra, Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. 117 (4):.
Esen O; Lainz Valcázar M; de León M; Sardón C; Implicit Contact Dynamics And Hamilton Jacobi Theory, Differential Geometry And Its Applications. 90.
Cefalo M; Creo S; Lancia MR; Rodríguez Cuadrado J; Fractal Mixtures For Optimal Heat Draining, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 173.
Blanco Díaz L; Sardón C; Jiménez Alburquerque F; de Lucas J; Geometric Numerical Methods For Lie Systems And Their Application in Optimal Control, Symmetry-Basel. 15 (6):.
Silva BernÁrdez, Alejandro; Application of The Newton Time Extracting Wavelet Transform as a Chirp Filter, .
GarcÍa SÁnchez, Guillermo; Ana M. Mancho; Validation of The Transport Capacity of Ocean Models: a Lagrangian Uncertainty Quantification Approach, .
Zając M; Sardón C; Ragnisco O; Time Dependent Hamiltonian Mechanics on a Locally Conformal Symplectic Manifold, Symmetry-Basel. 15 (4):.
Cariñena JF; de Lucas J; Sardón C; Quantum Quasi Lie Systems: Properties And Applications, European Physical Journal Plus. 138 (4):.
Novo S; Obaya R; Sanz AM; Villarragut VM; The Exponential Ordering For Nonautonomous Delay Systems With Applications to Compartmental Nicholson Systems, Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics. 262.
Ateşli B; Esen O; de León M; Sardón C; On Locally Conformally Cosymplectic Hamiltonian Dynamics And Hamilton Jacobi Theory, Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical. 56 (1):.
Junnila H; Meroño AS; On Metric Spaces With Non Equivalent Hewitt And Samuel Realcompactifications, Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. 117 (2):.
García Ardila JC; Marriaga ME; Sobolev Orthogonality of Polynomial Solutions of Second Order Partial Differential Equations, Computational & Applied Mathematics. 42 (1):.
Asensio G; Faleiro E; Moreno J; Denche G; Electromagnetic Fields From Cloud to Cloud Horizontal Lightning Channel on Perfect Conducting Soil: Induced Potentials in Flying Aircraft, Applied Sciences-Basel. 13 (17):.
García Ardila JC; Marriaga ME; Approximation by Polynomials in Sobolev Spaces Associated With Classical Moment Functionals, Numerical Algorithms..
Garrido MI; Meroño AS; A Result Concerning The Lipschitz Realcompactification of The Product of Two Metric Spaces, Topology And Its Applications. 339.
Díaz R; Manchón PMG; Pretzel Knots up to Nine Crossings, Topology And Its Applications..
Esen O; De Lucas J; Muñoz CS; Zając M; Decomposing Euler–poincaré Flow on The Space of Hamiltonian Vector Fields, Symmetry-Basel. 15 (1):.
Denche, Gregorio; Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Moreno, Jorge; A Fast Calculation of Partially Corroded, Grounding Resistive Electrode Electrical Parameters, Applied Sciences-Basel. 12 (23):.
Garces Perez, Jorge Jose; On The Strict Topology of The Multipliers of a Jb∗ Algebra, .
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Killing Metrized Commutative Nonassociative Algebras Associated With Steiner Triple Systems, Journal Of Algebra. 608 186-213.
P. Ramos Criado; Barrios Rolania, Maria Dolores; D. de la Hoz; Manrique Gamo, Daniel; Estimation of Distribution Algorithm For Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, .
Pacheco Sanchez A; Mavredakis N; Feijoo PC; Jimenez D; An Extraction Method For Mobility Degradation And Contact Resistance of Graphene Transistors, Ieee Transactions On Electron Devices. 69 (7): 4037-4041.
Esen, Ogul; Fernandez Saiz, Eduardo; Sardon, Cristina; Zajac, Marcin; A Generalization of a Sis Epidemic Model With Fluctuations, Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences. 45 (7): 3718-3731.
Garcia Ardila, JC; Marcellan, F; Villamil Hernandez, PH; Associated Orthogonal Polynomials of The First Kind And Darboux Transformations, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 508 (2): 125883-.
de la Calle Ysern B; Spalević MM; On The Computation of Patterson Type Quadrature Rules, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 403 113850-.
Cresson, J; Jimenez, F; Ober Blobaum, S; Continuous And Discrete Noether's Fractional Conserved Quantities For Restricted Calculus OF Variations, Journal Of Geometric Mechanics. 14 (1): 57-89.
Garces, Jorge J.; Khrypchenko, Mykola; Potent Preservers of Incidence Algebras, Linear Algebra And Its Applications. 635 171-200.
del Pozo Manglano, Angel; Manchon, Pedro M. G.; Braids For Unoriented Pretzel Links, Journal Of Knot Theory And Its Ramifications..
Marconi C; Saus PC; Díaz MG; Sanpera A; The Role of Coherence Theory in Attractor Quantum Neural Networks, Quantum. 6.
Garcés JJ; Khrypchenko M; Linear Maps Preserving Products Equal to Primitive Idempotents of an Incidence Algebra, Journal Of Algebra. 612 460-474.
Garcés JJ; Li L; Peralta AM; Tahlawi HM; A Projection–less Approach to Rickart Jordan Structures, Journal Of Algebra. 609 567-605.
Colera M; Carpio J; Bermejo R; A Nearly Conservative, High Order, Forward Lagrange–galerkin Method For The Resolution of Compressible Flows on Unstructured Triangular Meshes, Journal Of Computational Physics. 467.
A Silva; C González Guillén; M Ruiz García; ME Domínguez Jiménez; Improving The Sensitivity of Early Rub Detection in Rotating Machines With an Adaptive Orthogonal Filter, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing. 171, 108900.
A Broadbent; CE González Guillén; C Schuknecht; Quantum Private Broadcasting, Physical Review a. 105 (2), 022606.
Farshi T; Toniolo D; González Guillén CE; Alhambra Ám; Masanes L; Mixing And Localization in Random Time Periodic Quantum Circuits of Clifford Unitaries, Journal Of Mathematical Physics. 63 (3):.
Rodríguez Cuadrado J; San Martín J; Shielding Material Distributions And Associated Fractals, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 158.
Cubillos P; López Gómez J; Tellini A; Multiplicity of Nodal Solutions in Classical Non Degenerate Logistic Equations, Electronic Research Archive. 30 (3): 898-928.
Gonzalez Guillen CE; De Porras Cosano AM; Tian P; Colmenares Diaz J; Zarzo A; Platero CA; Synchronous Machines Field Winding Turn to Turn Fault Severity Estimation Through Machine Learning Regression Algorithms, Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion. 37 (3): 2227-2235.
Novo, Sylvia; Villarragut, Victor M.; Long Term Behavior of Nonautonomous Neutral Compartmental Systems, Electronic Journal Of Qualitative Theory Of Differential Equations. 2022 (7): 1-19.
Broadbent, Anne; Gonzalez Guillen, Carlos E.; Schuknecht, Christine; Quantum Private Broadcasting, Physical Review a. 105 (2):.
Silva A; González Guillén C; Ruiz García M; Domínguez Jiménez ME; Improving The Sensitivity of Early Rub Detection in Rotating Machines With an Adaptive Orthogonal Filter, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing. 171.
Rodríguez Cuadrado J; San Martín J; Sierpinski Takagi Combination For a Uniform And Optimal Point Surface Load Transmission, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 105 307-320.
Feltrin, Guglielmo; Sovrano, Elisa; Tellini, Andrea; ON The Number OF Positive Solutions TO AN Indefinite Parameter Dependent Neumann Problem, Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems. 42 (1): 21-71.
San Martín J; González A; Blasco F; The Deconstruction of a Fractal, Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation. 104 106049-.
Kloeden, Peter E.; Villarragut, Victor M.; Sigmoidal Approximations of a Nonautonomous Neural Network With Infinite Delay And Heaviside Function, Journal Of Dynamics And Differential Equations. 34 (1): 721-745.
Teppa Pannia FA; Perez Bergliaffa SE; Pinto Neto N; Particle Production in Accelerated Thin Bubbles, Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics. 2022 (4):.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; The Commutative Nonassociative Algebra of Metric Curvature Tensors, Forum Of Mathematics Sigma. 9 e79-.
Dominguez Jimenez ME; Luengo D; Sansigre Vidal G; Cruz Roldan F; A Novel Scheme of Multicarrier Modulation With The Discrete Cosine Transform, Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications. 20 (12): 7992-8005.
Bogosel B; Giletti T; Tellini A; Propagation For Kpp Bulk Surface Systems in a General Cylindrical Domain, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 213 112528-.
Esen, Ogul; de Leon, Manuel; Sardon, Cristina; Zajac, Marcin; Cauchy Data Space And Multisymplectic Formulation of Conformal Classical Field Theories, Annals Of Physics. 434 168616-.
Bermejo, R.; Numerical Analysis of a Finite Element Formulation of The P2d Model For Lithium Ion Cells, Numerische Mathematik. 149 (3): 463-505.
Rodriguez Cuadrado, Javier; San Martin, Jesus; Fractal Equilibrium Configuration of a Mechanically Loaded Binary Tree, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 152 111415-.
Lopez Grande, Alberto; Dagupati, Rajesh; Galan del Sastre, Pedro; Munoz, Francisco; Ionic Conductivity of Li2o P2o5 Glasses From Thermodynamic Modeling of Their Chemical Structure, Journal Of The American Ceramic Society. 104 (11): 5625-5635.
Bravo de la Parra, Rafael; Sanz Lorenzo, Luis; Discrete Epidemic Models With Two Time Scales, Advances In Difference Equations. 2021 (1): 478-.
Garcia Ardila, J. C.; Marriaga, M. E.; On Sobolev Bilinear Forms And Polynomial Solutions of Second Order Differential Equations, Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. 115 (4): 191-.
SAN Martin Moreno, Jesus; The Deconstruction of a Fractal, .
Garcia Miguel, Carmen; San Martin, Jesus; Maximizing Circular Tiles ON Fractals: A First Step TO Optimization IN Fractals, Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society. 29 (6): 2150167-.
Hernandez Santana, Senaida; Molnar, Andras; Gogolin, Christian; Cirac, J. Ignacio; Acin, Antonio; Locality of Temperature And Correlations in The Presence of Non Zero Temperature Phase Transitions, New Journal Of Physics. 23 (7): 73052-.
Garcia Ardila, Juan Carlos; Marcellan, Francisco; Spectral Transformations And Associated Linear Functionals of The First Kind, Axioms: Mathematical Logic And Mathematical Physics. 10 (2): 107-.
Denche, Gregorio; Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Moreno, Jorge; Grounding Electrodes With Internal Resistance: Application to Feasibility Study of The Driven Rod Method For Modeling The Soil Electrical Resistivity Profile, Applied Sciences-Basel. 11 (11): 5032-.
Jimenez, Fernando; Ober Blobaum, Sina; Fractional Damping Through Restricted Calculus of Variations, Journal Of Nonlinear Science. 31 (2): 46-.
González Guillén CE; Vasco Mig; Johnson F; Pérez Del Pozo ÁL; An Attack on Zawadzki’s Quantum Authentication Scheme, Entropy. 23 (4): 389-.
Garces, Jorge J.; Peralta, Antonio M.; One Parameter Semigroups of Orthogonality Preservers of Jb* Algebras, Advances In Operator Theory. 6 (2): 43-.
Colera M; Carpio J; Bermejo R; A Nearly Conservative, High Order, Forward Lagrange–galerkin Method For The Resolution of Scalar Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering. 376 113654-.
Esen O; De León M; Sardón C; Zajşc M; Hamilton Jacobi Formalism on Locally Conformally Symplectic Manifolds, Journal Of Mathematical Physics. 62 (3):.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Harmonic Cubic Homogeneous Polynomials Such That The Norm Squared of The Hessian is a Multiple of The Euclidean Quadratic Form, Analysis And Mathematical Physics. 11 (1): 43-.
Cazzulani G; Silva A; Pennacchi P; Optimization of Continuous Sensor Placement For Modal Analysis: Application to an Optical Backscatter Reflectometry Strain Sensor, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing. 150 107242-.
Silva A; Zarzo A; Muñoz Guijosa JM; Luengo D; Improvement of The Accuracy of Nonlinear Rotordynamic Models by Means of The Use of Non White Fluid Induced Signal Noise, Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing. 149 107308-.
Esen O; de León M; Sardón C; Zając M; The Globalization Problem of The Hamilton–dedonder–weyl Equations on a Local k Symplectic Framework, Mediterranean Journal Of Mathematics. 18 (1):.
García Miguel C; San Martín J; Covering Fractals With Constant Radius Tiles: Distribution Functions And Their Implications For Resource Management, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 143 110626-.
Munoz Guijosa, Juan M.; Silva, Alejandro; Alen Cordero, Cristina; Guzman, Alvaro; A General Modeling Methodology For The Quasistatic Behavior of Spiral Torsion Springs, Journal Of Mechanical Design. 143 (1): 13401-.
Alejandro Zarzo Altarejos; Fernando San José; Alejandro Zarzo y Fernando San José. Grado en Matemáticas Por la Upm, Pensamiento Matemático. 11 (2):.
Paramo, R.; Faleiro, E.; Asensio, G.; Moreno, J.; Functionally Graded Multilayered Soil Models, an Alternative to Modeling The Soil Electrical Resistivity For Computing The Grounding Resistance, Ieee Access. 9 55364-55372.
Garces, Jorge J.; Peralta, Antonio M.; One Parameter Groups of Orthogonality Preservers on C* Algebras, Banach Journal Of Mathematical Analysis. 15 (1): 24-.
Platero, Carlos; Tobar, M. Carmen;alzheimers Dis Neuroimaging; Predicting Alzheimer's Conversion in Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients Using Longitudinal Neuroimaging And Clinical Markers, Brain Imaging And Behavior. 15 (4): 1728-1738.
Rodríguez Cuadrado J; Laria JC; Delgado Gómez D; Cat.dt: An R Package For Fast Construction of Accurate Computerized Adaptive Tests Using Decision Trees, R Journal. 13 (2): 123-134.
Branquinho, Amilcar; Garcia Ardila, Juan C.; Marcellan, Francisco; Ratio Asymptotics For Biorthogonal Matrix Polynomials With Unbounded Recurrence Coefficients, Applicable Analysis And Discrete Mathematics. 14 (3): 754-774.
Colera M; Carpio J; Bermejo R; A Nearly Conservative High Order Lagrange–galerkin Method For The Resolution of Scalar Convection Dominated Equations in Non Divergence Free Velocity Fields, Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering. 372 (113366):.
Silva A; Zarzo A; Machuca González JM; Munoz Guijosa JM; Early Fault Detection of Single Point Rub in Gas Turbines With Accelerometers on The Casing Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform, Journal Of Sound And Vibration. 487 (115628):.
Sardon MuÑoz, Maria Cristina; Geometry And Solutions of an Epidemic Sis Model Permitting Fluctuations And Quantization, .
Domínguez Jiménez ME; Full Spark of Even Discrete Cosine Transforms, Signal Processing. 176 (107632):.
Barrios Rolanía D; García Ardila JC; Manrique D; On The Darboux Transformations And Sequences of p Orthogonal Polynomials, Applied Mathematics And Computation. 382 (125337):.
Novo S; Obaya R; Villarragut VM; Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Nonautonomous Neutral Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications. 199 (111918):.
Sardon MuÑoz, Maria Cristina; A Hamilton–jacobi Formalism For Higher Order Implicit Lagrangians, Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical 53 (7), 075204..
Fernández de las Heras MJ; Chimeno Manguán M; Roibás Millán E; Fernández de las Heras LJ; Hidalgo FS; Determination of Sea Loss Factors by Monte Carlo Filtering, Journal Of Sound And Vibration. 479 (115348):.
Ramos Criado P; Barrios Rolanía D; Manrique D; Serrano E; Grammatically Uniform Population Initialization For Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, Soft Computing. 24 (15): 11265-11282.
Platero C; Tobar MC; Longitudinal Survival Analysis And Two Group Comparison For Predicting The Progression of Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease, Journal Of Neuroscience Methods. 341 (108698): 108698-.
Bravo De La Parra, Rafael; Sanz, Luis; A Discrete Model OF Competing Species Sharing A Parasite, Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series b. 25 (6): 2121-2142.
Crespo, Maria; Rapaport, Alain; Analysis And Optimization of The Chemostat Model With a Lateral Diffusive Compartment, Journal Of Optimization Theory And Applications. 185 (2): 597-621.
Mora Corral, Carlos; Tellini, Andrea; Relaxation of a Scalar Nonlocal Variational Problem With a Double Well Potential, Calculus Of Variations And Partial Differential Equations. 59 (2):.
de la Calle Ysern B; Sabina de Lis J; Segura de León S; The Convective Eigenvalues of The One–dimensional P–laplacian as P → 1, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 484 (1):.
Rodríguez Cuadrado J; Delgado Gómez D; Laria J; Rodríguez Cuadrado S; Merged Tree Cat: A Fast Method For Building Precise Computerized Adaptive Tests Based on Decision Trees, Expert Systems With Applications. 143.
Esen O; De León M; Sardón C; A Hamilton Jacobi Formalism For Higher Order Implicit Lagrangians, Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical. 53 (7):.
Sanz, Luis; Bravo de la Parra, Rafael; Stochastic Matrix Metapopulation Models With Fast Migration: Re Scaling Survival to The Fast Scale, Ecological Modelling. 418 (108829):.
Sardon MuÑoz, Maria Cristina; Plasma in Monopole Background is Not Twisted, .
Tellini A; Numerical Global Bifurcation Diagrams For a Superlinear Indenite Problem With a Parameter Appearing in The Domain, Rendiconti Dell'istituto Di Matematica Dell'universita Di Trieste. 52 289-309.
Garces, Jorge J.; Complete Orthogonality Preservers Between C⁎ Algebras, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 483 (1): 123596-.
Denche, Gregorio; Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Moreno, Jorge; An Estimator of The Resistance of Large Grounding Electrodes From Its Geometric Characterization, Applied Sciences-Basel. 10 (22):.
Moreno, Jorge; Simon, Pascual; Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Antonio Fernandez, Jose; Estimation of an Upper Bound to The Value of The Step Potentials in Two Layered Soils From Grounding Resistance Measurements, Materials. 13 (2): E290-.
Barrios Rolanía D; García Ardila J; Geronimus Transformations For Sequences of d Orthogonal Polynomials, Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. 114 (1):.
Sanz, Luis; Bravo de la Parra, Rafael; Marva, Marcos; Sanchez, Eva; Non Linear Population Discrete Models With Two Time Scales: re Scaling of Part of The Slow Process, Advances In Difference Equations. 2019 (1):.
de la Calle Ysern, Bernardo; Asymptotically Stable Equilibria of Gradient Systems, American Mathematical Monthly. 126 (10): 936-939.
Bermejo R; Sastre P; An Implicit Explicit Runge Kutta Chebyshev Finite Element Method For The Nonlinear Lithium Ion Battery Equations, Applied Mathematics And Computation. 361 398-420.
de la Calle Ysern, Bernardo; Sabina de Lis, Jose C.; A Constructive Proof OF Helmholtz's Theorem, Quarterly Journal Of Mechanics And Applied Mathematics. 72 (4): 521-533.
Sanz, Luis; Conditions For Growth And Extinction in Matrix Models With Environmental Stochasticity, Ecological Modelling. 411 (108797):.
García Ardila J; Mañas M; Marcellán F; Christoffel Transformation For a Matrix of Bi Variate Measures, Complex Analysis And Operator Theory. 13 (8): 3979-4005.
Barrios Rolania, D.; On The Darboux Transform And The Solutions of Some Integrable Systems, Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. 113 (2): 1359-1378.
Platero, Carlos; Eugenia Lopez, Maria; Del Carmen Tobar, Maria; Yus, Miguel; Maestu, Fernando; Discriminating Alzheimer's Disease Progression Using a New Hippocampal Marker From T1 Weighted Mri: The Local Surface Roughness, Human Brain Mapping. 40 (5): 1666-1676.
Carpio, Jaime; Luis Prieto, Juan; Galan del Sastre, Pedro; An Anisotropic Adaptive, Lagrange Galerkin Numerical Method For Spray Combustion, Journal Of Computational Physics. 381 246-274.
Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Denche, Gregorio; Garcia, Daniel; Moreno, Jorge; Wenner Soundings For Apparent Resistivity Measurements at Small Depths Using a Set of Unequal Bare Electrodes: Selected Case Studies, Energies. 12 (4):.
de la Vara, Alba; Galan del Sastre, Pedro; Arsouze, Thomas; Gallardo, Clemente; Angel Gaertner, Miguel; Role of Atmospheric Resolution in The Long Term Seasonal Variability of The Tyrrhenian Sea Circulation From a Set of Ocean Hindcast Simulations (1997 2008), Ocean Modelling. 134 51-67.
Marco Antonio Molín Ruiz; José Luis de la Fuente O'connor; Apuntes Sobre la Escuela y la Universidad, Ciervo, El. (774): 19-21.
Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; Garcia Ardila, Juan C.; Manas, Manuel; Marcellan, Francisco; Matrix Biorthogonal Polynomials on The Real Line: Geronimus Transformations, Bulletin Of Mathematical Sciences. 9 (2):.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Critical Symplectic Connections on Surfaces, Journal Of Symplectic Geometry. 17 (6): 1683-1771.
Crespo, Maria; Ivorra, Benjamin; Manuel Ramos, Angel; Rapaport, Alain; Shape Optimization OF Spatial Chemostat Models, Electronic Journal Of Differential Equations. (84):.
Platero, Carlos; Lin, Lin; Carmen Tobar, M.; Longitudinal Neuroimaging Hippocampal Markers For Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease, Neuroinformatics. 17 (1): 43-61.
Barrios Rolania, Dolores; Delgado Martinez, Guillermo; Manrique, Daniel; Multilayered Neural Architectures Evolution For Computing Sequences of Orthogonal Polynomials, Annals Of Mathematics And Artificial Intelligence. 84 (3-4): 161-184.
Tellini, Andrea; High Multiplicity of Positive Solutions For Superlinear Indefinite Problems With Homogeneous Neumann Boundary Conditions, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 467 (1): 673-698.
Alonso, Antonio A.; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Pajaro, Manuel; Vazquez, Carlos; Numerical Analysis of a Method For a Partial Integro Differential Equation Model in Regulatory Gene Networks, Mathematical Models & Methods In Applied Sciences. 28 (10): 2069-2095.
Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Moreno, Jorge; Unidimensional Vertical Electrical Soundings Involving Uneven Soil Surfaces: Improving The Apparent Resistivity Measurements For Soil Modelling, Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution. 12 (15): 3756-3763.
Silva, Alejandro; Zarzo, Alejandro; Munoz Guijosa, Juan M.; Miniello, Francesco; Evaluation of The Continuous Wavelet Transform For Detection of Single Point Rub in Aeroderivative Gas Turbines With Accelerometers, Sensors. 18 (6): E1931-.
Fox; Daniel J F; Left Symmetric Algebras And Homogeneous Improper Affine Spheres, Annals Of Global Analysis And Geometry. 53 (3): 405-443.
Gonzalez Guillen, C. E.; Palazuelos, C.; Villanueva, I.; Euclidean Distance Between Haar Orthogonal And Gaussian Matrices, Journal Of Theoretical Probability. 31 (1): 93-118.
J Álvarez; C González Guillén; G Sansigre; L Sanz; A Zarzo; Introduction to Scientific Computing in Initial Courses of Mathematics For Engineering, Iceri. I2018 Proceedings, 4067-4072.
CE González Guillén; M Junge; I Nechita; On The Spectral Gap of Random Quantum Channels, Arxiv Preprint Arxiv:. :1811.08847.
Rodolfo Bermejo Bermejo; Laura Saavedra Lago; Local Projection Stabilized Lagrange–galerkin Methods For Navier–stokes Equations at High Reynolds Numbers, Sema Journal. 75 (Extra 4): 607-627.
Carlos Garcia Ardila, Juan; Garza, Luis E.; Marcellan, Francisco; A Canonical Geronimus Transformation For Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials, Linear & Multilinear Algebra. 66 (2): 357-381.
Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; Garcia Ardila, Juan C.; Manas, Manuel; Marcellan, Francisco; Non Abelian Integrable Hierarchies: Matrix Biorthogonal Polynomials And Perturbations, Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical. 51 (20):.
Carlos E González Guillén; Toby S Cubitt; History State Hamiltonians Are Critical, Communications Of The Acm..
Carlos E González Guillén; Marius Junge; Ion Nechita; On The Spectral Gap of Random Quantum Channels, Communications Of The Acm..
Blanco, Luis; Garcia Garcia, Maria; Gutierrez, Joaquin; Rios, Andrea; Central Force Fields And Kepler's Laws, The Mathematical Gazette. 102 (554): 270-279.
de la Calle Ysern, B.; Spalevic, M. M.; Modified Stieltjes Polynomials And Gauss Kronrod Quadrature Rules, Numerische Mathematik. 138 (1): 1-35.
Barrios Rolania, D.; Geronimo, J. S.; Lopez Lagomasino, G.; High Order Recurrence Relations, Hermite Pade Approximation And Nikishin Systems, Sbornik Mathematics. 209 (3): 385-420.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; Some Progress on The Polynomial Dunford Pettis Property, Rendiconti Lincei-Matematica E Applicazioni. 29 (4): 679-687.
González Meneses J; Manchón Pmg; Silvero M; A Geometric Description of The Extreme Khovanov Cohomology, Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics. 148 (3): 541-557.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; Universal Mappings For Certain Classes of Operators And Polynomials Between Banach Spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten. 290 (17-18): 2788-2799.
Sanz, Luis; Alonso, Juan Antonio; Approximate Reduction of Linear Population Models Governed by Stochastic Differential Equations: Application to Multiregional Models, Journal Of Biological Dynamics. 11 (1): 461-479.
Gonzalez Guillen, Carlos E; Lancien, Cecilia; Palazuelos, Carlos; Villanueva, Ignacio; Random Quantum Correlations Are Generically Non Classical, Annales Henri Poincare. 18 (12): 3793-3813.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M; Polynomials With an Integral Representation, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 455 (1): 246-262.
Canca, David; Zarzo, Alejandro; Design of Energy Efficient Timetables in Two Way Railway Rapid Transit Lines, Transportation Research Part B-Methodological. 102 142-161.
Faleiro, E.; Asensio, G.; Denche, G.; Moreno, J.; Electric Behavior of Conductor Systems Embedded in Finite Inhomogeneous Volumes Scattered Into a Multilayered Soil: The Problem of High Resistivity Ratios Revisited, Electric Power Systems Research. 148 183-191.
Platero, Carlos; Carmen Tobar, M.; Combining a Patch Based Approach With a Non Rigid Registration Based Label Fusion Method For The Hippocampal Segmentation in Alzheimer's Disease, Neuroinformatics. 15 (2): 165-183.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Remarks on Symplectic Sectional Curvature, Differential Geometry And Its Applications. 50 52-70.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Equiaffine Geometry of Level Sets And Ruled Hypersurfaces With Equiaffine Mean Curvature Zero, Mathematische Nachrichten. 290 (2-3): 293-320.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Symmetries of The Space of Linear Symplectic Connections, Symmetry Integrability And Geometry-Methods And Applications. 13 (002):.
Bernardo de la Calle Ysern; Francisco Carbajo Gibaja; La Curva de Szegö, Gaceta De La Real Sociedad Matematica Española. 20 (2): 269-296.
Faleiro, Eduardo; Asensio, Gabriel; Moreno, Jorge; An Estimate of The Uncertainty in The Grounding Resistance of Electrodes Buried in Two Layered Soils With Non Flat Surface, Energies. 10 (2):.
Bravo De la Parra, R.; Marva, M.; Sanchez, E.; Sanz, L.; A Discrete Predator Prey Ecoepidemic Model, Mathematical Modelling Of Natural Phenomena. 12 (2): 116-132.
Bravo de la Parra, R.; Marva, M.; Sanchez, E.; Sanz, L.; Discrete Models of Disease And Competition, Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society. 2017 (5310837):.
Cruz Roldan, Fernando; Elena Dominguez Jimenez, Maria; Sansigre Vidal, Gabriela; Luengo, David; Moonen, Marc; Dct Based Channel Estimation For Single And Multicarrier Communications, Signal Processing. 128 332-339.
Platero, Carlos; Carmen Tobar, M.; A Fast Approach For Hippocampal Segmentation From T1 Mri For Predicting Progression in Alzheimer's Disease From Elderly Controls, Journal Of Neuroscience Methods. 270 61-75.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Infinitesimal Affine Automorphisms of Symplectic Connections, Journal Of Geometry And Physics. 106 210-212.
Faleiro, E.; Asensio, G.; Moreno, J.; Improved Measurements of The Apparent Resistivity For Small Depths in Vertical Electrical Soundings, Journal Of Applied Geophysics. 131 117-122.
Bermejo, R.; Saavedra, L.; A Second Order in Time Local Projection Stabilized Lagrange Galerkin Method For Navier Stokes Equations at High Reynolds Numbers, Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 72 (4): 820-845.
Faleiro, E.; Asensio, G.; Moreno, J.; Simon, P.; Denche, G.; Garcia, D.; Modelling And Simulation of The Grounding System of a Class of Power Transmission Line Towers Involving Inhomogeneous Conductive Media, Electric Power Systems Research. 136 154-162.
Gonzalez Guillen, C. E.; Jimenez, C. H.; Palazuelos, C.; Villanueva, I.; Sampling Quantum Nonlocal Correlations With High Probability, Communications In Mathematical Physics. 344 (1): 141-154.
Galan del Sastre, Pedro; Bermejo, Rodolfo; A Lagrange Galerkin hp Finite Element Method For a 3D Nonhydrostatic Ocean Model, Pure And Applied Geophysics. 173 (3): 885-907.
Bernardo de la Calle Ysern; Judit Mínguez Ceniceros; Zero Distribution of Incomplete Padé And Hermite–padé Approximations, Journal Of Approximation Theory. 201 (1 (January 2016)): 13-29.
Marco Carrera Alegre; Luis Castejón Herrer; Hugo Malón Litago; David Villadares Hernando; Carlos Martín Lafuente; Francisco Javier García de Jalón de la Fuente; Pablo Luque Rodríguez; Daniel Álvarez Mántaras; Enrique Alcalá; Angel Martín Rodríguez; Estudio de la Vida Frente a Fatiga de Semirremolques. Banco de Ensayo y Simulación Por Ordenador, Dyna. 91 (4): 406-412.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; Operators With AN Integral Reprsentation, Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society. 144 (12): 5275-5290.
Sotelo Herrera, Ma Dolores; San Martin, Jesus; Porter, Mason A.; Heterogeneous, Weakly Coupled Map Lattices, Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation. 36 549-563.
Fox, Daniel J F; Functions Dividing Their Hessian Determinants And Affine Spheres, Asian Journal Of Mathematics. 20 (3): 503-530.
de la Calle Ysern, B.; Minguez Ceniceros, J.; Zero Distribution of Incomplete Pade And Hermite Pade Approximations, Journal Of Approximation Theory. 201 13-29.
Faleiro, E.; Pazos, F. J.; Asensio, G.; Denche, G.; Garcia, D.; Moreno, J.; Interaction Between Interconnected And Isolated Grounding Systems: A Case Study of Transferred Potentials, Ieee Transactions On Power Delivery. 30 (5): 2260-2267.
Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Rodal, J.; Ronveaux, A.; Zarzo, A.; Bivariate Krawtchouk Polynomials: Inversion And Connection Problems With The Navima Algorithm, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 284 (1 (15 August 2015)): 50-57.
Rivero Castillo, Daniel; Pijeira, Hector; Assuncao, Pedro; Edge Detection Based on Krawtchouk Polynomials, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 284 (1 (15 August 2015)): 244-250.
de la Calle Ysern, B.; Minguez Ceniceros, J.; Rate of Convergence of Row Sequences of Multipoint Pade Approximants, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 284 (1 (15 August 2015)): 155-170.
De La Calle Ysern, Bernardo; Optimal Extension of The Szego Quadrature, Ima Journal Of Numerical Analysis. 35 (2): 722-748.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; A Schwarz Lemma For Kahler Affine Metrics And The Canonical Potential of a Proper Convex Cone, Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata. 194 (1): 1-42.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Geometric Structures Modeled on Affine Hypersurfaces And Generalizations of The Einstein Weyl And Affine Sphere Equations, Trends In Mathematics. 3 15-19.
Domínguez Jiménez M; Luengo D; Sansigre Vidal G; Estimation of Symmetric Channels For Discrete Cosine Transform Type I Multicarrier Systems: A Compressed Sensing Approach, The Scientific World Journal. 2015 151370-.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; Nonexistence of Certain Universal Polynomials Between Banach Spaces, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 427 (2): 962-976.
Bermejo, R.; Saavedra, L.; Modified Lagrange Galerkin Methods TO Integrate Time Dependent Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations, Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 37 (6): B779-B803.
San Martin, Jesus; Gonzalez Gomez, Antonia; Jose Moscoso, Maria; Rodriguez Perez, Daniel; Compound Orbits Break up in Constituents: An Algorithm, Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling And Control. 20 (1): 112-131.
de la Calle Ysern, Bernardo; The Jentzsch Szego Theorem And Balayage Measures, Constructive Approximation. 40 (2): 307-327.
Gonzalez Meneses, J.; Manchon, P. M. C.; Closures of Positive Braids And The Morton Franks Williams Inequality, Topology And Its Applications. 174 14-24.
Luisa Cordoba, M.; Garcia Dopico, Antonio; Isabel Garcia, M.; Rosales, Francisco; Arnaiz, Jesus; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Galan del Sastre, Pedro; Efficient Parallelization of a Regional Ocean Model For The Western Mediterranean Sea, International Journal Of High Performance Computing Applications. 28 (3): 368-383.
San Martin, Jesus; Porter, Mason A.; Convergence Time Towards Periodic Orbits in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Plos One. 9 (4): e92652-.
Charco, M.; Galan del Sastre, P.; Efficient Inversion of Three Dimensional Finite Element Models of Volcano Deformation, Geophysical Journal International. 196 (3): 1441-1454.
Canca, David; Barrena, Eva; Algaba, Encarnacion; Zarzo, Alejandro; Design And Analysis of Demand Adapted Railway Timetables, Journal Of Advanced Transportation. 48 (2): 119-137.
Bermejo, Rodolfo; Galan Del Sastre, Pedro; Saavedra, Laura; A Subgrid Viscosity Lagrange Galerkin Method For Convection Diffusion Problems, International Journal Of Numerical Analysis And Modeling. 11 (2): 288-302.
Canto, Jesus M.; Perles, Fabiola; San Martin, Jesus; The Role of Right Wing Authoritarianism, Sexism And Culture of Honour in Rape Myths Acceptance, 29 (2): 296-318.
José Luis de la Fuente O'connor; Inteligencia Empresarial y Económica en un Dominio de Internacionalización, Auditoría Interna. (105): 26-27.
Sanchez, Eva; Hbid, Moulay L.; Bravo de la Parra, Rafael; Mathematical Analysis of a Population Model With an Age Weight Structured Two Stage Life History: Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions, Journal Of Evolution Equations. 14 (3): 603-616.
Fox, Daniel J. F.; Ricci Flows ON Surfaces Related TO The Einstein Weyl And Abelian Vortex Equations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 56 (3): 569-599.
Platero, Carlos; Carmen Tobar, M.; A Multiatlas Segmentation Using Graph Cuts With Applications to Liver Segmentation in CT Scans, Computational And Mathematical Methods In Medicine. 2014 (182909): 182909-.
Bravo de la Parra, R.; Marva, M.; Sanchez, E.; Sanz, L.; Reduction of Discrete Dynamical Systems With Applications to Dynamics Population Models, Mathematical Modelling Of Natural Phenomena. 8 (6): 107-129.
Canca, David; Zarzo, Alejandro; Algaba, Encarnacion; Barrena, Eva; Macroscopic Attraction Based Simulation of Pedestrian Mobility: A Dynamic Individual Route Choice Approach, European Journal Of Operational Research. 231 (2): 428-442.
Cruz Roldan, Fernando; Elena Dominguez Jimenez, M.; Sansigre Vidal, Gabriela; Pineiro Ave, Jose; Blanco Velasco, Manuel; Single Carrier And Multicarrier Transceivers Based on Discrete Cosine Transform Type IV, Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications. 12 (12): 6454-6463.
Bermejo, Rodolfo; Luis Prieto, Juan; A Semi Lagrangian Particle Level Set Finite Element Method For Interface Problems, Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 35 (4): A1815-A1846.
San Martin, Jesus; O'farrell, Anthony G.; A General Stability Criterion For Switched Linear Systems Having Stable And Unstable Subsystems, International Journal Of Adaptive Control And Signal Processing. 27 (11): 1000-1011.
Sanchez Moreno, P.; Dehesa, J. S.; Zarzo, A.; Guerrero, A.; Renyi Entropies, L q Norms And Linearization of Powers of Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials by Means of Multivariate Special Functions, Applied Mathematics And Computation. 223 25-33.
Cacoq, J; de la Calle Ysern, B; Lopez Lagomasino, G; Direct And Inverse Results on Row Sequences of Hermite Pad, Approximants, Constructive Approximation. 38 (1): 133-160.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; Asplund Operators And p Integral Polynomials, Mediterranean Journal Of Mathematics. 10 (3): 1435-1459.
Carpio, Jaime; Luis Prieto, Juan; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Anisotropic Goal Oriented Mesh Adaptivity For Elliptic Problems, Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 35 (2): A861-A885.
Bello Hernandez, M; de la Calle Ysern, B; Meromorphic Continuation of Functions And Arbitrary Distribution of Interpolation Points, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 403 (1): 107-119.
Canca, David; Zarzo, Alejandro; Gonzalez R, Pedro L.; Barrena, Eva; Algaba, Encarnacion; A Methodology For Schedule Based Paths Recommendation in Multimodal Public Transportation Networks, Journal Of Advanced Transportation. 47 (3): 319-335.
A F Hidalgo; Francisco Javier García de Jalón de la Fuente; Implementación Eficiente de Una Formulación Semirrecursiva Para la Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo de Gran Tamaño, Revista Internacional De Metodos Numericos Para Calculo Y Diseno En Ingenieria. 29 (4): 225-233.
Junot Cacoq; Bernardo de la Calle Ysern; Guillermo Tomás López Lagomasino; Incomplete Padé Approximation And Convergence of Row Sequences of Hermite?padé Approximants, Journal Of Approximation Theory. 170 (1): 59-77.
Hbid, M. L.; Sanchez, E.; Ouifki, R.; Hopf Bifurcation Via The Poincar, Procedure in Delay Differential Equations With Two Delays, Revista Matematica Complutense. 26 (1): 193-213.
Moreno, Diego; Jose Moscoso, Maria; Strategy Proof Allocation Mechanisms For Economies With Public Goods, Economic Theory. 52 (1): 315-336.
Bermejo, R.; Galan del Sastre, P.; Saavedra, L.; A Second Order IN Time Modified Lagrange Galerkin Finite Element Method For The Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations, Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 50 (6): 3084-3109.
Cruz Roldan, Fernando; Elena Dominguez Jimenez, Maria; Sansigre Vidal, Gabriela; Amo Lopez, Pedro; Blanco Velasco, Manuel; Bravo Santos, Angel; On The Use of Discrete Cosine Transforms For Multicarrier Communications, Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 60 (11): 6085-6090.
Gonzalez Manchon, Pedro M; Homogeneous Links And The Seifert Matrix, Pacific Journal Of Mathematics. 255 (2): 373-392.
Bermejo, Rodolfo; Saavedra, Laura; Modified Lagrange Galerkin Methods of First And Second Order in Time For Convection Diffusion Problems, Numerische Mathematik. 120 (4): 601-638.
Sanchez Moreno, P.; Zarzo, A.; Dehesa, J. S.; Jensen Divergence Based on Fisher's Information, Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical. 45 (12):.
San Martin, Jesus; Jose Moscoso, MA; Gonzalez Gomez, A; Topological Imprint For Periodic Orbits, Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical. 45 (2): 467-.
Sotelo Herrera, Ma Dolores; San Martin, Jesus; Cerrada, Lucia; Saddle Node Bifurcation Cascades And Associated Traveling Waves IN Weakly Coupling Cml, International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos. 22 (7):.
Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Ronveaux, A.; Zarzo, A.; Bivariate Second Order Linear Partial Differential Equations And Orthogonal Polynomial Solutions, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 387 (2): 1188-1208.
Galan del Sastre, Pedro; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Error Analysis For hp Fem Semi Lagrangian Second Order Bdf Method For Convection Dominated Diffusion Problems, Journal Of Scientific Computing. 49 (2): 211-237.
; Hopf Bifurcation And Bifurcation From Constant Oscillations to a Torus Path For Delayed Complex Ginzburg Landau Equations, Understanding Complex Systems. 2011 57-76.
Gonzalez Meneses, Juan; Manchon, Pedro M G; A Geometric Characterization OF The Upper Bound For The Span OF The Jones Polynomial, Journal Of Knot Theory And Its Ramifications. 20 (7): 1059-1071.
Cerrada, Lucia; San Martin, Jesus; On The Trajectories of Crl ... LR ... R Orbits, Their Period Doubling Cascades And Saddle Node Bifurcation Cascades, Physics Letters a. 375 (17): 1784-1788.
Sanchez, E.; Auger, P.; Poggiale, J. C.; Two Time Scales in Spatially Structured Models of Population Dynamics: A Semigroup Approach, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 375 (1): 149-165.
María Charco; Pedro Galán del Sastre; Deformaciones en áreas Volcánicas: Una Aproximación Numérica Para su Predicción en el Volcán Teide (tenerife, Islas Canarias), Física De La Tierra. 23 83-92.
Alfredo Pastor; Juan José López Burniol; Josep María Boixareu Vilaplana; Adolfo Rodero Franganillo; José Luis de la Fuente O'connor; España, ¿parque de Atracciones?, Ciervo, El. (720): 8-13.
J Dufour; Pere Escorsa Castells; Josep Puig i Boix; Joaquín Corominas; José Luis de la Fuente O'connor; Cómo Será la Energía en 2020, Ciervo, El. (722): 20-23.
José Luis de la Fuente O'connor; Un Modelo de Inteligencia Estratégica de la Información y Propiedad Industrial en el Campo de Las Energías Limpias, Economía Industrial. (379): 121-130.
Galan del Sastre, Pedro; Bermejo, Rodolfo; A Comparison of Semi Lagrangian And Lagrange Galerkin hp Fem Methods in Convection Diffusion Problems, Communications In Computational Physics. 9 (4): 1020-1039.
Sotelo Herrera, Ma Dolores; San Martin, Jesus; Travelling Waves Associated With Saddle Node Bifurcation in Weakly Coupled Cml, Physics Letters a. 374 (33): 3292-3296.
San Martin, Jesus; Jose Moscoso, M; Gonzalez Gomez, A; Composition Law of Cardinal Ordering Permutations, Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. 239 (13): 1135-1146.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; L 1 Factorization of Pietsch Integral Operators, Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen. 76 (3-4): 441-451.
Hernandez, Wilmar; Dominguez, M. Elena; Sansigre, Gabriela; Analysis of The Error Signal of The Lms Algorithm, Ieee Signal Processing Letters. 17 (3): 229-232.
Cilia, Raffaella; Gutierrez, Joaquin M.; Integral Polynomials on Banach Spaces Not Containing A(1), Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 60 (1): 221-231.
Luis Prieto, Juan; Ilg, Patrick; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Laso, Manuel; Stochastic Semi Lagrangian Micro Macro Calculations of Liquid Crystalline Solutions in Complex Flows, Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 165 (5-6): 185-195.
Luis Prieto, Juan; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Laso, Manuel; A Semi Lagrangian Micro Macro Method For Viscoelastic Flow Calculations, Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 165 (3-4): 120-135.
Martinez Gonzalez, P.; Zarzo, A.; Higher Order Hypergeometric Lauricella Function And Zero Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 233 (6): 1577-1583.
Sanz, L; Alonso, J A; Approximate Aggregation Methods in Discrete Time Stochastic Population Models, Mathematical Modelling Of Natural Phenomena. 5 (6): 38-69.
Hbid, M. L.; Louihi, M.; Sanchez, E.; A Threshold State Dependent Delayed Functional Equation Arising From Marine Population Dynamics: Modelling And Analysis, Journal Of Evolution Equations. 10 (4): 905-928.
Bermejo Solera, Mercedes; Otero, Jesus; Global Optimization of The Gauss Conformal Mappings of an Ellipsoid to a Sphere, Journal Of Geodesy. 84 (8): 481-489.
Bermejo, R.; Carpio, J.; A Semi Lagrangian Galerkin Projection Scheme For Convection Equations, Ima Journal Of Numerical Analysis. 30 (3): 799-831.
Alonso, Juan Antonio; Sanz, Luis; Approximating The Distribution of Population Size in Stochastic Multiregional Matrix Models With Fast Migration, Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences. 367 (1908): 4801-4827.
Rincon, Angeles; Alonso, Juan Antonio; Sanz, Luis; Reduction of Supercritical Multiregional Stochastic Models With Fast Migration, Acta Biotheoretica. 57 (4): 479-500.
Martinez Finkelshtein, Andrei; Delgado, Antonia M.; Castro, Gracia M.; Zarzo, Alejandro; Alio, Jorge L.; Comparative Analysis of Some Modal Reconstruction Methods of The Shape of The Cornea From Corneal Elevation Data, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 50 (12): 5639-5645.
San Martin, Jesus; Jose Moscoso, MA; Gonzalez Gomez, A; The Universal Cardinal Ordering of Fixed Points, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 42 (4): 1996-2007.
Sotelo Herrera, Ma Dolores; San Martin, Jesus; An Analytical Study in Coupled Map Lattices of Synchronized States And Traveling Waves, And of Their Period Doubling Cascades, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 42 (2): 901-910.
Gomez Mourelo, Pablo; Ginovart, Marta; The Differential Equation Counterpart of an Individual Based Model For Yeast Population Growth, Computers & Mathematics With Applications. 58 (7): 1360-1369.
Bermejo, R.; Carpio, J.; A Space Time Adaptive Finite Element Algorithm Based ON Dual Weighted Residual Methodology For Parabolic Equations, Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 31 (5): 3324-3355.
Sotelo Herrera, Dolores; San Martin, Jesus; Analytical Solutions of Weakly Coupled Map Lattices Using Recurrence Relations, Physics Letters a. 373 (31): 2704-2709.
Marva, M.; Sanchez, E.; de la Parra, R. Bravo; Sanz, L.; Reduction of Slow Fast Discrete Models Coupling Migration And Demography, Journal Of Theoretical Biology. 258 (3): 371-379.
Alonso Medina, A.; Colon, C.; Zanon, A.; Core Polarization Effects, Oscillator Strengths And Radiative Lifetimes of Levels in Pb Iii, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society. 395 (1): 567-579.
Ysern, B De La Calle; Lagomasino, G Loppez; Reichel, L; Stieltjes Type Polynomials ON The Unit Circle, Mathematics Of Computation. 78 (266): 969-997.
Bermejo, R.; Carpio, J.; Diaz, J. I.; Tello, L.; Mathematical And Numerical Analysis of a Nonlinear Diffusive Climate Energy Balance Model, Mathematical And Computer Modelling. 49 (5-6): 1180-1210.
San Martin, Jesus; Rodriguez Perez, Daniel; Conjugation of Cascades, Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 39 (2): 666-681.
El Ghordaf, J.; Hbid, M. L.; Sanchez, E.; Langlais, M.; On The Evolution of Spatially Distributed Urban Populations: Modelling And Mathematical Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications. 10 (5): 2945-2960.
Gomez Mourelo, Pablo; Sanchez, Eva; Casasus, Luis; Webb, Glenn F.; A Fully Continuous Individual Based Model of Tumor Cell Evolution, Comptes Rendus Biologies. 331 (11): 823-836.
Yanez, R. J.; Sanchez Moreno, P.; Zarzo, A.; Dehesa, J. S.; Fisher Information of Special Functions And Second Order Differential Equations, Journal Of Mathematical Physics. 49 (8):.
Bermejo, R.; Carpio, J.; Diaz, J. I.; Del Sastre, P. Galan; A Finite Element Algorithm of a Nonlinear Diffusive Climate Energy Balance Model, Pure And Applied Geophysics. 165 (6): 1025-1047.
del Sastre, Pedro Galan; Bermejo, Rodolfo; Error Estimates of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Eigenvectors And Galerkin Projection For a General Dynamical System Arising in Fluid Models, Numerische Mathematik. 110 (1): 49-81.
Sanz, L.; de la Parra, R. Bravo; Sanchez, E.; Approximate Reduction of Non Linear Discrete Models With Two Time Scales, Journal Of Difference Equations And Applications. 14 (6): 607-627.
Alonso Medina, A.; Colon, C.; Zanon, A.; Theoretical Study of The Stark Width And Shift Parameters of Pbiii Lines: Predictions And Regularities, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society. 385 (1): 261-268.
Rodolfo Bermejo Bermejo, J Carpio; A Space Time Adaptive Semi Weighted Residual Finite Element Method, Boletín De La Sociedad Española De Matemática Aplicada. (42): 147-162.
Rodolfo Bermejo Bermejo, J Carpio; An Adaptive Finite Element Semi Lagrangian Implicit¿explicit Runge¿kutta¿chebyshev Method For Convection Dominated Reaction¿diffusion Problems, Applied Numerical Mathematics. 58 (1): 16-39.
Auger, P.; de la Parra, R. Bravo; Poggiale, J. C.; Sanchez, E.; Nguyen Huu, T.; Aggregation of Variables And Applications to Population Dynamics, Lecture Notes In Mathematics. 1936 209-263.
De la Calle Ysern, B.; Peherstorfer, F.; Ultraspherical Stieltjes Polynomials And Gauss Kronrod Quadrature Behave Nicely For Lambda < 0, Siam Journal On Numerical Analysis. 45 (2): 770-786.
Zarzo, A.; Yanez, R. J.; Dehesa, J. S.; General Recurrence And Ladder Relations of Hypergeometric Type Functions, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 207 (2): 166-179.
de la Calle Ysern, B.; Gonzalez Vera, P.; Rational Quadrature Formulae on The Unit Circle With Arbitrary Poles, Numerische Mathematik. 107 (4): 559-587.
Hbid, My Lhassan; Sanchez, Eva; De La Parra, Rafael Bravo; State Dependent Delays Associated to Threshold Phenomena in Structured Population Dynamics, Mathematical Models & Methods In Applied Sciences. 17 (6): 877-900.
Arino, O.; Bertuzzi, A.; Gandolfi, A.; Sanchez, E.; Sinisgalli, C.; A Model With 'growth Retardation' For The Kinetic Heterogeneity of Tumour Cell Populations, Mathematical Biosciences. 206 (2): 185-199.
Sanz, Luis; de la Parra, Rafael Bravo; Approximate Reduction of Multiregional Models With Environmental Stochasticity, Mathematical Biosciences. 206 (1): 134-154.
Dyson, Janet; Sanchez, Eva; Villella Bressan, Rosanna; Webb, Glenn F.; Stabilization of Telomeres in Nonlinear Models of Proliferating Cell Lines, Journal Of Theoretical Biology. 244 (3): 400-408.
Dyson, Janet; Sanchez, Eva; Villella Bressan, Rosanna; Webb, Glenn; An Age And Spatially Structured Model of Tumor Invasion With Haptotaxis, Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series b. 8 (1): 45-60.
Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Ronveaux, A.; Zarzo, A.; Extensions of Some Results of P. Humbert on Bezout's Identity Classical Orthogonal Polynomials, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 196 (1): 212-228.
Sanchez, Eva; Bravo de la Parra, Rafael; Auger, Pierre; Gomez Mourelo, Pablo; Time Scales in Linear Delayed Differential Equations, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 323 (1): 680-699.
Mahmood, Afrah Saad; Casasus, Luis; Al Hayani, Waleed; Analysis of Resonant Oscillators With The Adomian Decomposition Method, Physics Letters a. 357 (4-5): 306-313.
Rolania, DB; Ysern, Bdlc; Lagomasino, GL; Ratio And Relative Asymptotics of Polynomials Orthogonal With Respect to Varying Denisov Type Measures, Journal Of Approximation Theory. 139 (1-2): 223-256.
Ysern, Bdc; Error Bounds For Rational Quadrature Formulae of Analytic Functions, Numerische Mathematik. 101 (2): 251-271.
Arino, O; Bertuzzi, A; Gandolfi, A; Sanchez, E; Sinisgalli, C; The Asynchronous Exponential Growth Property in a Model For The Kinetic Heterogeneity of Tumour Cell Populations, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 302 (2): 521-542.
Iván Carlos Area Carracedo; Eduardo Godoy Malvar; André Ronveaux; Alejandro Zarzo Altarejos; Hypergeometric Type q Difference Equations: Rodrigues Type Representation For The Second Kind Solution, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. (1): 81-92.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; A Saddle Point Theorem For Functional State Dependent Delay Differential Equations, Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems. 12 (4): 687-722.
Area, I; Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Hypergeometric Type q Difference Equations: Rodrigues Type Representation For The Second Kind Solution, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 173 (1): 81-92.
Area, I; Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Classical Symmetric Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable, Integral Transforms And Special Functions. 15 (1): 1-12.
Area, I; Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Hypergeometric Type Differential Equations: Second Kind Solutions And Related Integrals, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 157 (1): 93-106.
Sanz, L; Blasco, A; De la Parra, RB; Approximate Reduction of Multi Type Galton Watson Processes With Two Time Scales, Mathematical Models & Methods In Applied Sciences. 13 (4): 491-525.
Martinez Finkelshtein, A; Martinez Gonzalez, P; Zarzo, A; Wkb Approach to Zero Distribution Second Order Differential of Solutions of Linear Equations, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 145 (1): 167-182.
Auger, P; de la Parra, RB; Morand, S; Sanchez, E; A Predator Prey Model With Predators Using Hawk And Dove Tactics, Mathematical Biosciences. 177 (PII S0025-5564(01)00112-2): 185-200.
Area, I; Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Solving Connection And Linearization Problems Within The Askey Scheme And Its q Analogue Via Inversion Formulas, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 133 (1-2): 151-162.
Auger, P; De la Parra, RB; Sanchez, E; Behavioral Dynamics of Two Interacting Hawk Dove Populations, Mathematical Models & Methods In Applied Sciences. 11 (4): 645-661.
Pontier, D; Auger, P; de la Parra, RB; Sanchez, E; The Impact of Behavioral Plasticity at Individual Level on Domestic Cat Population Dynamics, Ecological Modelling. 133 (1-2): 117-124.
de la Parra, RB; Arino, O; Sanchez, E; Auger, P; A Model For an Age Structured Population With Two Time Scales, Mathematical And Computer Modelling. 31 (4-5): 17-26.
Arino O; Sánchez E; Bravo De La Parra R; Auger P; Singular Perturbation in an Age Structured Population Model, Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 60 (2): 408-436.
Lewanowicz, S; Godoy, E; Area, I; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Recurrence Relations For The Coefficients of The Fourier Series Expansions With Respect to q Classical Orthogonal Polynomials, Numerical Algorithms. 23 (1): 31-50.
Luis Casasús Latorre; Waleed Al Hayani; The Method of Adomian For a Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem, Revista De La Academia Canaria De Ciencias: = Folia Canariensis Academiae Scientiarum. 12 (1-2): 97-105.
Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Area, I; Godoy, E; Classical Orthogonal Polynomials: Dependence of Parameters, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 121 (1-2): 95-112.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; de la Parra, B; Auger, P; A Singular Perturbation in an Age Structured Population Model, Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 60 (2): 408-436.
Area, I; Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Inversion Problems in The q Hahn Tableau, Journal Of Symbolic Computation. 28 (6): 767-776.
de la Parra, RB; Sanchez, E; Arino, O; Auger, P; A Discrete Model With Density Dependent Fast Migration, Mathematical Biosciences. 157 (1-2): 91-109.
Eduardo Godoy Malvar; Iván Carlos Area Carracedo; André Ronveaux; Alejandro Zarzo Altarejos; Inversion Problems in Theq Hahn Tableau, Journal Of Symbolic Computation. 28 (6): 767-776.
Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Area, I; Godoy, E; Decomposition of Polynomials With Respect to The Cyclic Group of Order m, Journal Of Symbolic Computation. 28 (6): 755-765.
Angulo, JC; Antolin, J; Zarzo, A; Cuchi, JC; Maximum Entropy Technique With Logarithmic Constraints: Estimation of Atomic Radial Densities, European Physical Journal d. 7 (4): 479-485.
Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Area, I; Godoy, E; Bernstein Bases And Hahn Eberlein Orthogonal Polynomials, Integral Transforms And Special Functions. 7 (1-2): 87-96.
Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Area, I; Godoy, E; Transverse Limits in The Askey Tableau, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 99 (1-2): 327-335.
Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Area, I; Connection Problems For Polynomial Solutions of Nonhomogeneous Differential And Difference Equations, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 99 (1-2): 177-187.
Godoy, E; Ronveaux, A; Zarzo, A; Area, I; On The Limit Relations Between Classical Continuous And Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 91 (1): 97-105.
Ronveaux, A; Godoy, E; Zarzo, A; Area, I; Fourth Order Difference Equation For The First Associated of Classical Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 90 (1): 45-50.
de la Parra, RB; Sanchez, E; Aggregation Methods in Population Dynamics Discrete Models, Mathematical And Computer Modelling. 27 (4): 23-39.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; de la Parra, RB; A Model of an Age Structured Population in a Multipatch Environment, Mathematical And Computer Modelling. 27 (4): 137-150.
Auger, P; de la Parra, RB; Sanchez, E; Hawk Dove Game And Competition Dynamics, Mathematical And Computer Modelling. 27 (4): 89-98.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; An Integral Equation of Cell Population Dynamics Formulated as an Abstract Delay Equation Some Consequences, Mathematical Models & Methods In Applied Sciences. 8 (4): 713-735.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; Webb, GF; Necessary And Sufficient Conditions For Asynchronous Exponential Growth in Age Structured Cell Populations With Quiescence, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 215 (2): 499-513.
Arino O; Sánchez E; Webb G; Polynomial Growth Dynamics of Telomere Loss in a Heterogeneous Cell Population, Dynamics Of Continuous, Discrete And Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications And Algorithms. 3 (3): 263-282.
De La Parra R; Sánchez E; Auger P; Time Scales in Density Dependent Discrete Models, Journal Of Biological Systems. 5 (1): 111-129.
Sanchez, E; Auger, P; de la Parra, RB; Influence of Individual, Aggressiveness on The Dynamics of Competitive Populations, Acta Biotheoretica. 45 (3-4): 321-333.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; Webb, GF; Polynomial Growth Dynamics of Telomere Loss in a Heterogeneous Cell Population, Dynamics Of Continuous, Discrete And Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis. 3 (3): 263-282.
Sanchez, E; Delaparra, RB; Auger, P; Linear Discrete Models With Different Time Scales, Acta Biotheoretica. 43 (4): 465-479.
Arino, O; Sanchez, E; Linear Theory OF Abstract Functional Differential Equations OF Retarded Type, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications. 191 (3): 547-571.
Sansigre G; Valent G; A Large Family of Semi Classical Polynomials: The Perturbed Chebyshev, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 57 (1-2): 271-281.
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Marcellán F; Sansigre G; Orthogonal Polynomials And Cubic Transformations, Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. 49 (1-3): 161-168.
Marcellán F; Sansigre G; On a Class of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials on The Real Line, Linear Algebra And Its Applications. 181 (C): 97-109.
Sanchez E; Arino O; Kimmel M; Webb G; Noncompact Semigroups of Operators Generated by Cell Kinetics Models, Differential And Integral Equations. 4 (6): 1233-1249.
Ramón Angel Orive Rodríguez; Pablo González Vera; Luis Casasús Latorre; Sobre Elección de Denominadores en Aproximación Tipo Padé, Revista De La Academia Canaria De Ciencias: = Folia Canariensis Academiae Scientiarum. 1 (1): 125-132.